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Contact Us

If you would like to book a tour of our school and for application information, please contact the school office and our staff will be happy to help you:


Tel: 01767 680692

Email: schooloffice@stswithuns.cbeds.co.uk


Headteacher -  Mrs Anita Whitehurst

St Swithun’s Church of England VC Primary School
Ivel Road
SG19 1AX


Our school office staff deal with queries from parents/carers and other members of the public.  Please contact them using the telephone number shown above or the email address shown below.  The school office is open between 8.30am and 4:30pm.


Breakfast club bookings



Staff Emails

Our staff can be contacted via the school office email address as outlined above.


Special Needs

Our SENCo is  Miss Natalie Eaton.  She can be contacted via the school office.