Meet our Governors
Mrs Diane Osborne (Co-opted)
I am Chair of Governors. I have been associated with St Swithun’s School for 41 years beginning with my two daughters attending the school. I then became a Teaching Assistant at the School – a post I held for nineteen years – and for the last 15 years I have served on the Board of Governors. It has been a privilege to be a part of so many children’s education in Sandy. Currently I am Chair of Governors, a role that I have held for the past 7 years. This position is both challenging but very rewarding . During the last academic year St. Swithun's School has joined in a partnership with John Donne C of E School in Blunham. I joined their Board of Governor's in September 2023 , and was delighted to also be elected as their Chair. I am passionate about supporting both schools, to ensure that every child can reach their full potential.
Mrs Bridget Fordham (Parent Governor)
I was appointed as a Parent Governor in 2019. I chose St Swithun's CE VC Primary for my child as I wanted a school where the values and ethos are fully embedded in the school. When you enter the school you can feel the values as you come through the door. I am a qualified teacher with over 20 years experience of teaching in Secondary and Middle Schools. I currently work in a Church School myself and I understand the Christian Ethos and the requirements of the SIAMs inspections as well as the new Ofsted framework. I come to the governing body with a range of other experiences including working for the local Music Hub and as a Union Branch Officer for one of the teaching unions. This is useful in my role on the Policy Committee as I am used to reading policies and identifying ways to improve them for all stakeholders. As a governor I feel my role is to support the school values and ethos to enable every child to reach their potential but to also be a critical friend questioning the school leadership to develop the school even further.
Mrs Elizabeth Adams (Foundation Governor)
I became a Co-Opted Governor just prior to lockdown so am still in the learning process of being a Governor.
I have recently retired from the NHS after 49 years, although only 44 as a registered nurse.
I am a member of St. Swithun's Church and have always had an interest in St. Swithun's School as my two sons attended many years ago. I have always enjoyed the fact, that being a church school, they have a close relationship with the church but also are mindful and encouraging of all cultures and religions.
I was a school nurse in the late nineties with a special interest in Special Needs, having been involved with Sunnyside and Hitchmead, as they were known then.
I have been involved in Health, Safety and Welfare in my role as a ward sister. Within this role, I undertook appraisals and supervision as well as interviewing potential new staff. I have a particular interest in the Health and Welfare of the whole school, both pupils and all staff whatever their role. Also the welfare of parents and carers.
I am looking forward to getting to know all the staff in the coming year and working more closely and supporting them in the education of all the children as they assist them to reach their potential.
Mr Colin Lloyd (Co-opted Governor)
I became a Co-Opted Governor in 2023, returning after 30 years - back then as a parent Governor when my two Sons attended St Swithun's. It is a delight to be back, now having two Grandsons at the school, so now I feel like a Grandpa Governor!
Now semi-retired, I thoroughly enjoyed my career in agriculture culminating in heading up a Research and Development team for many years. My time now is dedicated to consultancy work in Poland and Romania, having more time with the family and supporting St Swithun's as best I can.
There is no doubt in my mind that education is key right from nursery/primary school as this provides the very foundation of learning and interaction between children in a caring ethos.
As in my former term, I am the SEND link Governor which is such a privilege as I firmly believe that each and every child under the care of this school needs to have every opportunity to achieve their potential and flourish during their time here.
So, I want to contribute to the support of the management and staff to ensure all the children at St Swithun's get the very best start to their education, it is our duty to ensure so.
Mr Simon Challis (Parent Governor)
Mrs Susan Sutton (LA Governor)
This is my first time as a School Governor and I am looking forward to learning about the school. Many generations of my family lived in Sandy and I have lived here since 1979 having been brought up in Wrestlingworth. I'm now retired having spent 32 years working for the RSPB in various roles including administration, PA, Volunteering and Community Fundraising. I believe that the natural environment is a precious resource and we have a duty to ensure that its there for future generations to enjoy and love. Since 2005 I've been a member of Sandy Town Council and currently chair the Community Services and Environment Committee. I am also a member of the RHS, National Trust and RBL with the role of President of the Sandy Branch. I'm also the Council representative on the 22nd Sandy Air Training Cadets Civilian Committee.
Mrs Clare Little (Foundation Governor)
I have been working at St Swithun’s Primary School since November 2010. Firstly as a lunchtime supervisor and then as a Teaching Assistant in Early Years Foundation Stage. I am in my second term as a Foundation Governor. I am a committed Christian and attend church on a regular basis. I feel strongly about keeping the Christian values within the school and community and to promote them.
Mrs Selina Hans (Staff Governor)
I completed my Teacher training at St. Swithun’s in 2018 and during this time I admired the community feel of our School and the ethos that was enriched throughout it; I am now in my fourth year teaching here. I am the PSHE lead for our school and I’m passionate about taking a holistic approach to best support the wellbeing of our pupils. I am always looking for new ways to support the Social, Emotional and Mental Health wellbeing of our community and I am active in implementing these strategies within our school.
As staff governor I am responsible for ensuring that the views of staff are represented during governors meetings. I am passionate about supporting the school to continue to go from strength to strength, to be the best possible learning environment for our pupils.
Anita Whitehurst (Headteacher)
I am part of the Governing Board in my role of Headteacher. I have been Head at St Swithun's for 9 years and have held numerous roles in school for the past 16 years. I provide the Governing Board with the information they need to complete their roles effectively.