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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club provides a healthy start to your child's day.  Children are able to choose from a selection of healthy foods (cereal, toast, yogurt and fruit). 

Children who have a good breakfast find learning much easier. 

Breakfast club is led by Mrs Willis and supported by Mrs Carr.  

How do I book my child into breakfast club?

 If you would like your child to attend breakfast then please email us at breakfastclub@stswithuns.cbeds.co.uk.  Breakfast club is very popular and it is therefore essential that you book.

How much does it cost?

 We run two different sessions for Breakfast Club:-

 8.00am-8.50 am  £4.50 per day

8.30am-8.50am £1.50 per day


Payments for Breakfast club should be made through parentmail - you will be charged as your child attends.