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Chestnut Class - ASD Provision

Lead teacher: Miss Natalie Eaton

Chestnut Class is a specialist provision for children with Autism which opened in 2010.   It provides education for 8 pupils between Reception to Year 6 whom have an EHCP and a diagnosis of ASC. All admissions are decided by the Local Authority. 

The Provision is designed to accommodate children who haven't been able to fully access a mainstream setting due to their ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) and/or associated needs but have the potential to do so with the support of a secure base and specialised provision. Our primary aim is to work with children and staff in order to provide the elevated level of support needed, whilst working towards integrating children back into mainstream education so that they can move onto their next setting confidently and independently. 

The provision is staffed by a teacher and specialist teaching assistants, who are highly experienced in the needs of children with autistic spectrum conditions. The classroom is set up to allow the children a balance between having their own space as well as the opportunity to socialise with their peers. Every child has their own individual work stations, as well as access to a quiet room if they need some time out of the main classroom. We have a 'choose' area within the classroom that all children can access if they would like to join in with their peers, and we also have a fenced garden that the children can access at all times. 

The children attending the provision follow the national curriculum, and the lessons taught on a daily basis are mirrored to what is being taught in their mainstream classes. Individual timetables are adapted and developed to meet each individual pupil’s need, both social and academic, ensuring a balance of access to mainstream learning with support to develop their other holistic areas of need, within the provision. 

All pupils in Chestnut class have the opportunities to engage in all aspects of school life. Pupils who join the provision are expected, throughout their time with us, to work towards attending most of their subjects in mainstream lessons.  Staff work with pupils to assist them in participating in as much whole school life as possible, both academic and social.  Pupils are encouraged to join clubs and socialise with other pupils, as well as participate in special events if they are comfortable to do so. 

If you would like any further information or to visit please contact the school office.

Chestnut Class