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 The colours of St Swithun's uniform are royal blue, white and grey.  We strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform as it helps to strengthen and develop our sense of community.

School Uniform

  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with or with school logo
  • White or blue poloshirt/shirt
  • Grey skirt/pinafore dress or trousers (not jeans)
  • Dark coloured shoes (no trainers and no high heels)
  • In Summer girls may wear royal blue checked or striped dresses.  Grey short trousers may also be worn

PE Uniform

  • Blue or black shorts
  • White t-shirt
  • Black plimsolls
  • Blue or black tracksuit for outdoors
  • Trainers for outdoors
  • Please note that earrings need to be removed for PE. 

Buying school uniform

You can buy our school uniform from Price & Buckland.  Please visit their website by clicking here.

Deliveries are made free of charge to the school on a monthly basis, alternatively delivery can be made to your home address for £2.50.  The school does not stock uniform but school book bags are available from the school office for £6.75.  

Alternatively, you can purchase royal blue uniform from local supermarkets.

If you are having difficulty purchasing school uniform then come and speak to a member of the school office team.  

Lost property

Please name all of your child's uniform so that we can return it to them quickly. If your child has lost an item of clothing please check with their class teacher.  Otherwise please check with the school office as lost property is kept in the entrance foyer.