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GSO Test


Year 2 Curriculum

Class Teacher: Mrs Williams

Please check ClassDojo for the knowledge organisers that will posted each half term to tell you what your child is learning.  

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Science Habitats Microhabitats Uses of everyday materials Life cycles and health Plant growth Making connections
RE What can we learn from sacred books and stories? How and why do we celebrate significant times? What makes some celebrations sacred to believers? How do we show we care for others? Why does it matter? What is the ‘good news’ Christians believe Jesus brings?  Who is an inspiring person? What stories inspire Christian and Muslim? How do we show we care for the Earth? Why does it matter?
History How was school different in the past?   How did we learn to fly?   What is a monarch?  
Geography   Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?   Why is our world wonderful?   What is it like to live by the coast?
Art Cut and design: Map it out   Painting and mixed media: Life in colour   Sculpture and 3D: Clay houses  
DT   Structures: Baby bear's chair   Mechanisms: Fairground wheel   Mechanisms: Making a moving monster
PSHE What makes a good friend? What is bullying? What jobs do people do? What helps us to stay safe? What helps us grow and stay healthy? How do we recognise feelings?
Music Unit 4 – Our bodies (beat)

Unit 8 – Seasons (pitch)
  Unit 9 – Weather (exploring sounds)

Unit 5 – Animals (Pitch)
  Unit 12 – Travel (performance)

Unit 7 – Storytime (exploring sounds)